Saturday 31 January 2015

A crafty corner makeover, more knitted hats, a bit of colour and an amazing find

Hello my dear blogfriends!

Thanks for your patience, it's been a bit longer between posts this time. Firstly, my daughter came to stay for a second time! So we've been out and about a fair bit and generally things have been rather busy. In addition to that, I'm still suffering from a horrible cold that refuses to go away, this morning I woke up with a nasty sore throat that feels like I swallowed a cheese grater!!!

Let me say another thanks and welcome to all my new followers, it is lovely to have you all here!
Thanks for all your lovely comments on my last post!

A crafty corner makeover

This time I want to show you the result of my tidying, clearing up and re-organising my little crafty corner. Unfortunately I did not take a photo of the towering inferno that was piling up on top of my craft cabinet, so I can only show you the 'after' photos. Let me assure you that this is a huge improvement and it pleases me much more to look at it now! It took me an entire afternoon, so be warned if you start something like this! But of course, you could sort out just a small corner to start with! I know I got a lot more to do!

My craft cabinet after the makeover!
Displaying some favourite little things
My vintage Spool holder
More treasures!
I love buttons!!!
My various drawers that I painted about 2 years ago

A couple of summers ago, I was really into painting my various wooden drawers, some of which I had for years, plus I managed to find some more here in charity shops! Finally I can access these drawers better! And now they house lots of crafty bits and pieces! When ordering your materials, you can be totally creative - lots of glass jars, liquid washing tabs containers, even food containers, biscuits tins etc can all be used. I find it works best for me when I can see the contents such as the buttons in the jars, but other things are best out of sight (in drawers or trays).

The printers tray, and the children's sewing box were also charity shop finds previously!

Do you have any useful storage ideas that work well for you?

Some finished projects

The following 2 projects have been finished meanwhile the week before. Here are some in progress pictures.

This is my second Alpaca Shawl - meanwhile finished!

21.01.15 Finished this hat for a friend

More knitted hats

When my daughter came back, I knitted her a headband and another hat, plus a new hat for myself, all within 2 days!!!

The knitted headband before it was sewn together

Left hat for me, Right hat and headband for my daughter
And here once more, all my recent knits made from Rico yarn

A bit of colour

Well, by now you probably come to expect quite a bit of colour when you come to visit this blog, right? This is a little bit different! Yes, I'm doing colouring in for adults and it is great fun. I tend to buy a weekly notebook/magazine called flow weekly which I use for making notes, drawing charts and more! This is a page that was for colouring in! But I also bought a big colouring in book! Have any of you tried it? I'd be interested to find out!

An amazing find!

Look at this! I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw it! A handknitted tunic in Autumn colours (sorry, the colours do not come out so well in this picture which I took in the charity shop when I saw it!)

I tried it on and it fitted me fine, so I had to have it! My daughter agreed that it suits me! In fact, I am wearing it today. What is more, I totally appreciate that someone has handmade it (I can imagine how much hard work went into it, not to mention the amount of colourful yarn and how much it must have cost!) Needless to say I only paid a snip for it! Plus I found a lovely grey jumper with mohair and silk (not handmade), that also gives me a favourite comfy jumper feel!

However, all this has not put me off wanting to knit my own jumpers!

I want to wish you all a happy weekend, what are your plans? Have you scheduled in some crochet or knitting time?

As always, I love reading your comments, so feel free to leave me yours!


  1. I'm having a relaxing and fun weekend. On Saturday I went to the city to meet some friends, picking up some yarn along the way (as one does)! Sunday is clothing day - laundry and sewing - altering school uniforms. In between active tasks, I am catching up with blogs and making time for crochet to maintain progress on all those WIPs!

    I love the colours in your hats and headbands. Beautiful yarn colours. The jumper was obviously the right choice if it is on your back more than in the cupboard! It's a great feeling to discover the perfect item!
    :-) Have a happy weekend, Ingrid. Cheers!

    1. Hi Jodie! Your weekend sounds lovely! Glad you got some new yarn, what did you get? I managed to find some colourful sock yarn (yellow-orange-red) on the last day of the January sales here in Belgium yesterday!!! ;) xx

    2. Sorry to be so late in replying. A new school year has interrupted my blog reading this month. I was picking up some chunky yarn to complete my speedy blanket.
      I do have a soft spot for sock yarn because I love the colours and patterns. I will keep an eye on your blog when I can to see what your yellow-orange-red yarn will become.
      Have fune :-) xx

  2. Your Crafty corner looks awesome. So organised. Time to time I also clean up my crafty corner but it's in no time a mess again Haha. But I crochet everywhere. My crafty corner is in the back of the house, in the living room, in my room. Haha. Everywhere. Enjoy your weekend :-)

    Lovely greetings,

    1. Hi Emily! Yes, I also sit and crochet anywhere! This is just my little corner for craft storage! I still got more tidying to do in other places :) xx

  3. You have been busy though!
    Your crafty corner looks very cosy and inviting....
    Love the hats you made! Have a great Sunday, love from Mirjam.

    1. Hello Mirjam! Lovely to see you drop by! Thanks for your kind comments! Take care!!! :) xx

  4. Yor crafty corner looks beautiful. I wish I had one. I always store my findings in different places because there is just no space for it (we have definitely too many books!). This weekend is a quiet one, my daughter wants to bake Swedish cĂ­nnamon buns and I will do a little crocheting in the afternoon. But first I have to do some washing, we got very muddy on our yesterdays' walk and the winter jackets have to be clean tomorrow. Have a nice day, Viola

    1. Hello Viola! Baking Swedish cinnamon buns sounds wonderful!!! Yes, there are also a lot of household tasks that need doing on the weekend! Enjoy your crochet!!! :) xx

  5. Ik ga snel een foto maken van mijn 'crafty room' zoals die er nu uitziet en binnen 2 jaar hoop ik een foto te kunnen tonen van het resultaat van de opruim actie!! ;-)
    Je hebt weer hard gewerkt! Proficiat!
    Heb je mijn blog gezien? Ik ga hem voorlopig gebruiken ivm mijn cursus natuurgids! ;-)
    Tot binnenkort!

    1. Dankje, Christine! Ja, doe maar enkele foto's van jouw plaats! :)
      Ik heb juist jouw blog gelezen, heel interessant!
      Het was erg leuk op zaterdag!!! :) xx

  6. Your crafty corner looks very nice!!
    Beautiful creations!
    Have a lovely week, good luck.:*

    1. Thank you, Ljubinka! And you, too!!! :) xx

  7. You have been very busy with all of your organizing and knitting. that jumper was so much work I wonder who made it and why they gave it away?
    Hugs to you,

    1. Hi Mere! I know!! It seems strange, doesn't it? But the good news is that maybe there are still more people here who knit, because I also saw other handmade things! :) Have a good week! xx

  8. The cold is very nasty this winter, isn't it? I am trying to get rid of mine for weeks but a rest stays. I know quite a few people who have such a "stuck cold" too. Fingers crossed yours will get better soon!

    The craft room looks great - I have adore some of the works on instagramm already :)

    The jumper sounds like a lucky find! I am surprised such a treasure ended up in a charity shop! Sometime I wish things could talk and tell us their story...

    Take care
    Anne (Crochet Between Worlds)

    1. Hi Anne! Thanks for your comments! That is so true, but I guess I will never know! Hope you are having a good week! :) xx

  9. Love your craft room! I have something similat and i love to work there. That knitted jumper looks great, nice and cozy in the cold weather.

    1. Thanks, Hetty! Strictly speaking it's not really a craft room, since this floor is open plan, but it's a little corner for my craft things! :) xx

  10. Great to catch up on your news. Your crafty space looks so pretty and very organised indeed!! All of your makes and finds are wonderful too! xx

    1. Thank you, Amy for your nice comments! :) xx

  11. Hi Ingrid, You have your stuff organised there well. I have stuff all over the house and need to get it into one place really - I was swooning around IKEA on Sunday. Jo x

    1. Hehe, swooning round Ikea sounds like my kinda thing!!! Luckily there is one not too far from where I live now. (In England it was an hours car drive away!) I got plenty of the clear plastic crates with lids from there, great for storage so you can see what is in it! Also keeping it all together! To be honest, I don't have absolutely everything in one place, some of the wool has to be stored elsewhere! It is best to have a good system that works for you, I try to keep similar things together. Hope you find your ideal storage space!!! :) xx

  12. Very funky organizing. !!!!!!

  13. Now I have crafty corner envy! Great job.

  14. Very nice workspace ... so important to get one especially when we're so productive as you are !!!!! Your work is great and you're still so busy !!! I wish some other creative days !!!!!

    1. You are absolutely right, Geraldine! I'm lucky I got this corner of my own! :) xx

  15. What a beautiful space!! I love the buttons :) And I love your recent makes you have a very lucky family :) That truly is a wonderous find! The colours are marvellous!! Have a good week xx

    1. Thanks, and you, Helen!!! Good luck with your blanket! ;) xx

  16. You've been very busy again. It's great to get your craft area sorted out and nicely organised. I lined some metal waste paper bins to keep yarn in. Hope you feel better soon.

    1. Hi Gillian! I know, we need all the storage space we can get!!! That is a good idea! My cold is still dragging on, yesterday evening I was coughing in class all the time, but tonight my cough feels slightly better. Standing around in the cold waiting for buses and trams late at night does not help!!! :( Thanks for your wishes! xx

  17. Interresting week with loved ones. Always a good thing.
    You have been busy as well, doing lots of crafts.
    Have a nice week.

    1. Thanks, Monica! I'm looking forward to you doing the Link Party again tomorrow ( xx

      PS: anyone can post their blog post link which shows something they made recently! It's easy and fun to join in!!!

    2. Thank you for entering. If you paste my photo on the sidebar of the blog, more people will see it :)

    3. Hi Monica! I added it now! :)

  18. What a lovely place you've got! I am constantly re-organizing my studio and it is still in a mess, so now I've decided I needed a bigger studio. Ha! :)

    1. Haha, Maya, that sounds about right! (Yesterday I put a large sack of wool in the basement so I will have a bit more space!! :) xx
